"It is not to culture, per se, that one must adapt, but to culture as manifest and encountered in the behavior of individual foreigners."
- Craig Storti
Transactions in the global arena can be a high-wire balancing act as increased regionalization continues to break down the economic and political identities of countries. Cultural identities play an ever more important role in international business. Learn to conduct business abroad with the same ease and confidence as you would at home in country-specific seminars and workshops tailored to your company's needs. Participants are given practical advice that can be implemented immediately in their international interactions.
Through our Interacting in the Global Arena programs, participants learn:
- the cross-cultural aspects of international business
- the 4 principles and 8 guidelines of global etiquette
- the pre-trip planning necessary to insure success
- the importance of etiquette and protocol in successful international business relationships
- the behavioral adaptations to make and to avoid
- effective international communications
- negotiating styles in the target country
- effective use of interpreters and translators
- cultural sensitivities
- the role of entertaining in business
- the importance of gift-giving
- to master the mingling in an international environment
- to host international visitors in the USA
- and many other courtesies that count
And they acquire:
- a greater awareness of the effect culture has on business relationships abroad and the differences they must bridge in order to be effective
- a vision of their world-class personal best in the global business arena
- the behaviors and communication skills needed to deal effectively with representatives of another culture.
- the benchmarks that ensure they continue to stay on track while navigating the intricacies of business on foreign shores.
These programs can be designed as:
- country-specific or generic global programs
- 2 hour pre-trip briefings
- 1-day to 3-day interactive workshops
Programs include:
- simulations, interactive exercises, and role playing to reinforce understanding
- a workbook
- resource materials
- post-encounter debriefing